
Thursday May 12, 2022

Thursday May 12, 2022

Sticking to Good Vibes!

Dear all,

It has been a while!

Since we came back from or Christmas break, Stanstead Lodge has been buzzing with people, activities growing and members happy to be back.

Not everything has been good news. We also lost a dear member at the start of the New Year. Members mean a lot to us and she will be missed. RIP Maria.

On a more positive note we are hoping to have a holiday organised this year, maybe around May or June and hopefully some day trips too. We will put more details out when we know more so watch this space and we hope many of you will join us!

Best Wishes from everyone at Stanstead Lodge!

Wednesday February 9, 2022

Catching Up

Dear members and website visitors,

I hope you all are well and healthy. We haven’t posted for a while but we are back!

The centre has been running on just a few activities with social distancing and masks since August. There was Tai Chi and Yoga and also gardening that has been like a safe way of meeting for a few members as it was in the open space outside. We even had an “Unplanned picnic” on the last day of July!

We had a just the members that could make it at very short notice and some classical music playing in the background from a band that were rehearsing in the hall.

It was a lovely day and for many, this was the first day out after a long while. So everyone pretty much enjoyed this.

Find a few photos below.